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    Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) in Turkey

    A plastic surgery that treats droopy eyelids is called blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty is also known as eyelid surgery. Blepharoplasty is an anti-aging surgical method to remove extra skin or fat from the upper or lower eyelid to reduce the sagginess of the eyes.

    Why is there a need for blepharoplasty?

    The skin is always pulled downwards by gravity. As a person ages, so does their skin. Skin gradually loses its elasticity. Hence, excess skin is collected on the eyelid. This excess skin or layer of fat can cause vision problems. Blepharoplasty is the option to fix it for aesthetic or medical purposes. Blepharoplasty modifies the eyelid by removing the excess skin or fat layer from the upper and lower eyelid. Blepharoplasty can improve the structure of the eye on the face and might help a person to build their confidence.

    Who should get blepharoplasty?

    Everyone can get droopy eyes, but mostly it occurs in older people because of aging. This excess skin can sag in front of the eye, which might cause vision problems. Hence, a person who might have this problem should get blepharoplasty after consulting their doctor. Doctors usually do not perform this surgery on people below the age of 18 as it may cause many complications. However, for older people, the ideal candidate for blepharoplasty should be in good health. Blepharoplasty is basically an anti-aging treatment easily available in Istanbul turkey.

    Types of blepharoplasty

    There are 3 types of blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.

    Upper Eyelid Surgery

    In this type of blepharoplasty, the upper eyelid is focused. The fatty layer or layer of skin on the upper eyelid is removed in this type. This surgery treats vision problems that might be caused by droopy eyes.

    Lower Eyelid Surgery

    As the name suggests, this surgery focuses on the aging defects that are visible on the lower eyelid. Lower eyelid surgery is a type of blepharoplasty where bagginess and wrinkles under the eyes are treated.

    Double Eyelid Surgery

    Double eyelid surgery is mostly popular among Asians as this surgery creates a crease on the upper eyelid, making double eyelids.

    Things to know before undergoing blepharoplasty

    A few things you should consider before going through this surgical process are given here in detail.


    Before deciding to undergo blepharoplasty, talk to your doctor or an experienced person to get a better idea. Research as much as you can about this topic and then decide whether you need this surgery or not. If yes, then consult your doctor or any person who has already gone through this surgery, as it may help you prepare your mind before the surgery and also get information about blepharoplasty.


    After doing proper research on blepharoplasty, you need to determine whether you need to get it done or not. Determine whether you are eligible for this surgery and meet the requirements for this surgery? Book an appointment and talk to your doctor about it. Get advice from your doctor to determine whether you need to go through blepharoplasty or not.

    Risks and Complications

    Surgeries always come with various risks and complications. Similarly, there are some risks associated with blepharoplasty. These risks and complications include:
    – Infection
    – Bleeding
    – Blood clots
    – Temporary vision problems
    – Dryness of the eye
    – Scars
    – Muscle or nerve damage
    – itchiness, etc.


    After any surgery, a person normally experiences swelling and bruising in that area. The same is the case for blepharoplasty. In the first few days or even for a week, you might experience swelling in your eyelid area. Hence, you won’t be able to see the original results of this surgery. But after that, you can expect to look younger and your eyes and eyelids should look natural. Complete final results should be visible in 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery.

    Preparation of blepharoplasty

    First of all, you will have to consult with your surgeon to get more information. Your plastic surgeon will ask you about your expectations or any fears you may have, and your desired outcome related to your eyelid will be discussed. Surgeons will give you better advice based on your situation and the outcome you want.
    Your surgeon will ask you about your medical history and about the medicines you are currently taking. Then your eyes will be physically examined. After that, vision is checked. Then photographs of your eyes are taken from different angles.
    You’ll be asked to quit smoking a few weeks before surgery. You’ll also be asked to stop taking medicines that can increase bleeding, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, warfarin, naproxen, etc. There may be other medicines as well that your surgeon will advise you not to use. So at this stage, only take the medicines that are approved by your surgeon. You’ll also be asked to have someone with you to drive you to or out of the hospital for the surgery. You might be required to stay there for a night, but mostly it’s performed on an outpatient basis.

    Procedure for blepharoplasty

    Firstly, the surgeon numbs the area of the eyelid by injecting a numbing medicine. For the upper eyelid, the surgeon makes a small incision on the upper eyelid and removes the excess fat or excess layer of skin. Then the surgeon closes the wound by stitching it. These stitches remain there for 2 to 6 days.
    For the lower eyelid, the surgeon makes small cuts under the lower lash or on the lower eyelid below the eyes. A surgeon removes the excess fat skin that may be causing the bags under the eyes.
    If both upper and lower eyelids are done together, then it takes almost 2 hours for this surgery to complete.

    After the surgery

    After the surgery is performed, the patient is shifted to the room where doctors observe and quickly respond to any side effects or complications that might arise. Some of the side effects that a person may experience include blurred vision, puffy eyes, watering eyes, light sensitivity, etc. Your doctor will also give you some suggestions, such as avoiding smoking, avoiding running your eyes, avoiding swimming for a week, using ice packs, etc. So follow the guidelines of your doctor.
    After the surgery, swelling may take a few weeks to go away, while it will take several months for the scar to go away. It may take several weeks to see the final and complete result of this surgery.

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